Wounded (1771>) : It is the ambition, herein, to capture the fixated Matonabbee - Hearne - HBC history into the evolutionary Idle No More movement; developing the historical  ethics of commerce and trade with the traditional Original Peoples land stewardship as opposed to the prevailing Crown Canada determination to establish oil pipelines from the Athabasca Tar Sands (Tubeta Ts'ena) to the BC west coast; and, therein, feeding the unquenchable China demand energy marketplace ... Animated Feature Film as in ...

Territorial Integrity : Stitumaatulwut Hwuneem is a prime example of custom and tradition in  transition : a central figure in preserving the 10,000 year old bloodlines; while recognizing the need to embrace the 400-year-old Gus Wen Tah (Peace Trust Friendship) ethics today and. the 1000-year-old Haudenosaunee Peace Keeping.

The 11th HOUR : The Rocky Mountain Cree Nation Declarations are an integral part of these events; as is the Great Trurtle Island Federation UN IGO designation : The OTHER Inconvenient Truth.